
IMBH is always seeking original creative content to feature. If you have music, art, poetry, essays or fiction that you’d like to share, email:

Half-Baked [Writing]

Half-Baked is our online home for published writing and poetry, with a goal to help emerging creators share their work with the world, without a heavy-handed editorial process. Send us your completed, original writing and poetry and we’ll work to get you published on IMBH.

The guidelines below are just that. Please do not feel constrained in what you send.

– Send submissions to
– In the subject line, provide the type of submission, your name and title of work. Examples below:
       “Why I Hate Kentucky” – Essay by Marvin Barry – 2,000 words
       “I Think My Son’s in the Gorilla Pit” – Short Story by Marvin Barry – 2,345 words
       “Did Someone Order a Pizza?” – Music/Video by Marvin Barry
– All documents will be in .doc format
– Include your name, address, phone number and email at the top of the first page, of each document. For multiple poetry submissions, this only needs to be done once as long as each poem is clearly separated by a title.
– Include a short, 100 word bio in third person, in the body of your email. Feel free to include links to social media pages and websites you’d like us to know about.

We’re looking for previously unpublished short fiction, of any genre, no longer than 4,000 words. Provide a short bio in the body of the email, with your story attached as a .doc file.

No more then 5, previously unpublished poems at a time. No line limits or format restrictions at this time, but please format poetry as you wish for it to appear upon publication.

Attachments will be in .doc format.

        – including personal essays, reviews, blog posts and opinion pieces
Follow the guidelines for Stories, above.

Lo-Fi [Music] 

Email a link to your YouTube video, Soundcloud or Bandcamp page to, along with a short bio for the artist and a brief description about the video/song/album you’d like us to help share with the world.

Medium [Art]

Email the necessary documents of your submission to This could mean hi-res image files, pdfs or audio files. Provide a short bio for the artist and brief description of the submitted works. Submissions that tell a single story or center on a particular theme are preferred (i.e. photo essays on a particular topic).

Upon Publication

*Individual rights revert to authors upon publication

*By submitting to It Must Be Heartbreaking, you’re acknowledging that work submitted are your original creations. Failure to adhere to this standard, any breach of another copyright or subsequent consequences, is the responsibility of the individual infringing upon that copyright or it’s creator.

*It Must Be Heartbreaking will not publish previously published writing or poetry, unless specifically requested.

*It Must Be Heartbreaking reserves the right to republish any previously published online material in forthcoming print anthologies (though we will still ask for permission).

*We ask that It Must Be Heartbreaking be properly cited and acknowledged if a piece first published with us appears in any future publications.